Well Registration
South Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) has partnered with MLJ Environmental to develop an online platform and procedure to register all wells within the GSA, which can be found at watermark.
The portal currently allows users to register existing wells within the boundaries of the South Fork Kings, North Fork Kings, and El Rico GSAs and view Land IQ data for registered parcels in South Fork Kings and North Fork Kings GSAs.
Landowners who are members of the Kings River Water Quality Coalition, have the ability to streamline well registration using their member portal to share contact information and other data, such as crop, parcel, and management practices with the South Fork Kings GSA portal.
All data submitted to the GSA through the portal is protected by our Data Protection Policy which assures that all groundwater information and data that a property owner shares with the GSA will be held and remain confidential to the maximum extent allowable by law.